eBooks FAQs

What types of eBooks do you offer?
We offer Ebooks on Marketing, Stock Markets, Technology, and Social Media
(We Provide No Financial Advice)

How do I purchase and download eBooks from your site?
Purchasing is as easy as clicking the product(s) you’d like and checking out with paypal, or credit card. After you will be sent an email with your download link!

Can I access my purchased eBooks on multiple devices?
You are given unlimited downloads after purchase and may view it on multiple devices

What is your refund and return policy?
We offer a 30day money back guarantee! Please refer to https://learning-research.com/pages/refund-policy for morel information

How often do you release new eBooks?
We are always working on new Ebooks to keep our library growing, sign up for notifications to be kept update on the latest!

Who can I contact for support if I have issues with my purchase?
Please reach out to Help@learning-research.com for any and all questions / problems.